List of updates / new info. on Vox solid state amps (1967-1972).
11th September
A further instance of a mis-printed control panel, a small batch produced early in production - at the Top Boost switch the legend reads "OFF" - "MRB" instead of "OFF" - "ON". The panel belongs to the preamp of a Defiant or Supreme (power section missing).
Early Vox Defiant or Supreme control panel, detail.
10th September
Thanks to Ulrik, pictures of Italian-made "Clyde Script Wah" serial number 5612, produced for use in Italy, its board potted to prevent copying of the circuit. A number of such pedals were also made for use in England, a "Queen's Award" base-plate being fitted instead of the type pictured below - see this page.
Italian-made "Clyde Script Wah" serial number 5612.
Also to record that entries for three more English-made "Grey Wahs" have been created - serial numbers 6460, 6871, and 6943.
14th August
A couple of details from a large circuit diagram for the Vox Discotheque / Discotape, drawn up with a "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" information panel. Issue 1, however, is dated 8th October, 1971, well into the "Vox Sound Limited" era. Further details to follow.
DT001 to DT014 are likely to have been mechanical drawings for specific assemblies.
The main information panel.
Changes, top left of the sheet.
30th June
Thanks to Anthony, pictures of "Vox Sound Limited" Supreme serial number 2532, still in excellent condition, have now been added to this page.
VSL Supreme serial number 2532.
19th May
Thanks to Pavel, pictures of a "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Defiant with the back board from JMI Dynamic Bass serial number 1093.
VSEL Defiant, serial number unknown.
16th May
Thanks to Hubi, some updated pictures of VSEL Conqueror serial number 2082, nicely restored.
VSEL Conqueror serial number 2082.
5th April
Thanks to Michael, pictures of "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Defiant, serial number 2172, probably ready for sale in late spring / early summer 1969. One of the main power transistors has the date code "6918" = 18th week of 1969. Further pics can be found here.
"Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Defiant, serial number 2172.
28th February
Some notes on the pre-production Supreme power section from the second half of 1966. The orange 2250uf Plessey capacitors are dated "JUN 1965", the grey Radiospares 5000uf cap. "PXB" = February 1966. The Radiospares cement caps have "XC" and "XE" = March and May 1966.
Three of the main power transistors (2N3055s) are branded "ITT". The fourth, pictured below, is unbranded, the print giving only "2N3055" and "6 R". Whether "6" stands for 1966 is unknown. The wiring loom is extremely tight and all solder joints are apparently original, which is to say that the transistors have a good chance of being original too.
The unbranded 2N3055 with "6 R". The other three power transistors are branded "ITT".
The four heatsinks on which the transistors are mounted are fixed to the upright of the chassis with four 4BA machine screws (and nuts) each. It is impossible to remove the middle pair of heatsinks without first removing the mains transformer - not an ideal arrangement where repairs/replacements are concerned.
27th February
Entries for six Conquerors added: JMI serial numbers 1494, 1516, and 1542; and "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" numbers 2032, 2069, 2340, and 2368.
26th February
Entries for seven Defiants have been added: JMI serial number: 1393; "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" 2153 and 2283; and "Vox Sound Limited" 2570, 2670, 2820, and 2845.
25th February
Entries for seven Supremes have been added: JMI serial numbers 1107 and 1291; "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" 2284; and "Vox Sound Limited" 2339, 2512, 2526, and 2591.
24th February
The plate of "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Traveller, serial number 2000, the first of a batch (inherited from JMI, which had ceased trading by March '68) made ready for sale by the new company in late 1968 / early 1969. VSEL began its number sequences at 2000 across the range - we have Dynamic Bass number 2000, and Super Foundation Bass number 2000 too. Traveller serial number 2001 can be seen on this page.
VSEL Traveller serial number 2000.
7th January
Thanks to Josh, pictures of JMI wah serial number 6382 have been added on this page. The pedal had wrongly been given as number 6192.
From around serial number 6300 the number was stamped directly on the base and the trafolyte panel done away with.
JMI wah serial number 6382.
29th December
Thanks to Will, pictures of JMI Wah serial number 6280, now incorporated on the main page on "grey" wahs.
Vox (JMI) Wah, serial number 6280.
24th November
Coming shortly, coverage of the "Vox Sound Limited" catalogue of late 1971. This was produced to accompany the Russell Hotel Trade Fair in August and encompasses the short-lived "Slave Master" range along with much else. Text throughout is in English, French, and German.
The loose-leaf format (with removable plastic spine) had previously been used by JMI, notably for its 1964 catalogue.
VSL catalogue of late 1971.
JMI catalogue, 1964.
18th November
Thanks again to William, some great pics of the electronics of "Vox Sound Limited" Defiant serial number 2543 - extremely useful to have date codes at this point in production. The amp was probably ready for sale at some point in the third quarter of 1970.
16th November
Thanks to William, a couple of pics of a nice "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Conqueror set, sold at one time by Joe O'Neill Limited of Glenamaddy. Interesting to see the preamp with its grey CCL capacitors, late 1967 date codes (for their manufacture). The latest visible component is a blue CCL electrolytic capacitor with the date code "6904" = 4th week of 1969. The order code for the CCLs - of all values - was "240". More to come.
13th November
Thanks to Steve, pictures of "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" PA50SS serial number 1157, a relatively early one with metal grilles across the vent openings. Plastic vents were introduced later in the production run.
At present, this is the earliest PA50SS to have come to light. The page on Vox solid state public address amps will be rearranged shortly.
PA50SS serial number 1157.
2nd November
Some updates to the page on Vox grey wah pedals. Thanks to Niels for pictures of serial number 5654.
Serial number 5654.
1st August
Just to note that the pre-production power section illustrated in the previous entry came in a Supreme formed from three separate elements - standard late JMI preamp; VSEL box with no serial number plate (none was ever fitted); and the pre-production power section.
The preamp has the latest JMI number that has so far emerged: number 2448. The sequence began at 1000. Treble preamps were common to the Virtuoso, Conqueror, Defiant, and Supreme.
It should be said, however, that following the collapse of JMI, a certain number of units were bought in by the new company "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" and given new control panels.
Treble Serial No. 02448.
28th July
Thanks to Mr Rogers, Defiant serial number 1252 now known to be in Canada (in company with an early Vox AC50 speaker cabinet):
Also to record the emergence of a pre-production Vox Supreme power section. Latest date codes of original components: June 1966. No dymo-tape number survives on the plinth. Its power transistors (replacements branded "ITT") indicate the amp was probably in the UK in the late 1970s / early 1980s; after that nothing more is known until earlier this year when it turned up in Germany.
Photos indicate that Manfred Mann had a pre-production Supreme; and there is a report that "Blossom Toes" were at some point involved in field-testing. It is not known who (if anyone) was the recipient of the one pictured below.
An overview of pre-production amps can be found on this page. More to come soon.
25th July
Three pics below of an early Dynamic Bass amplifier section, probably from the second batch, mid 1967, which generally have control panels that are (now) brown rather than black. This one is in superb condition. Further updates to come shortly.
The knob on the distortion control is from another Vox source.
3rd June
Thanks to Lee, pictures of "Vox Sound Limited" Defiant serial number 2859, the highest encountered so far. See this page. The cab - with Goodmans green label Power Range speakers - is number 739. Also extant, the guarantee card, envelope, and info brochure, this last reformulated by VSL in 1970 to omit mention of the Traveller, which had been deleted from the range.
Vox Defiant serial number 2859.
2nd June (2)
"Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Super Foundation Bass serial number 2192, with manual and inspection tag dated 21st August 1969. The pictures below now added to the entry for the amp on this page.
2nd June
A series of updates coming shortly - principally amplifiers across the range, and speaker cabinets.
29th January
Currently on sale in Germany, "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Super Foundation Bass serial number 2192, still with the standby circuit (two indicator lamps on the front panel). The amp's inspection tag is dated 21st August 1969.
VSEL-made Super Foundation Bass amps run through to the 2300s in terms of serial numbers, so number 2192 is just short of two thirds of the way through the company's run, at least in terms of amps that were selected for sale - see this page.
22nd January
Thanks to Paul, pictures of Conqueror serial number 1558, close to the end of JMI's run, "AMPLIFIER" rather than "VOX AMPLIFIER" at the head of its serial number plate. The amp has been registered here.
18th January (2)
Also thanks to Paul, pics of JMI Defiant serial number 1092, in excellent condition. The amplifier section and speaker cabinet retain their 1960s shop labels - "Music Inn Instruments" in Nottingham (which is still in business). Further pictures can seen here.
18th January
Thanks to Paul, pictures of "Vox Sound Limited" Supreme serial number 2508 paired with a Thomas Organ Super Beatle cab. The amp has been added to the later Supreme page here.
Further updates to come shortly.
3rd January
Thanks to Chris, pictures of Super Foundation Bass serial number 2006, early "Vox Sound Equipment Limited", produced in early 1969. The Mullard mustard caps in the preamp have date codes "C8N" and "D8N" = third and last quarters of 1968. The interstage transformer still has its "Twickenham Transformers" label. Twickenham became Lemark Transformers later in the year. Further pictures here.
Vox Super Foundation Bass serial number 2006.
1st January
Thanks to Ronald, pictures of Super Foundation Bass serial number 1009, probably Spring 1967 and the lowest number encountered so far. The sequence began at 1000. Bought second-hand in Manny's Music in Manhanttan in the early 1970s. Pictured with contol knobs removed (for cleaning).
Vox Super Foundation Bass serial number 1009.
5th December
Thanks to David, pictures of late JMI Supreme serial number 1304 with a Supreme cab originally isued with a different amp.
Late JMI Supreme serial number 1304. Cab and amp both re-grilled, speakers in the latter refitted.
30th November
A note on the resistor arrays in single-speaker Super Foundation Bass cabinets (following a recent question). Their purpose was to reduce the drive of the amplifier - effectively load its output down - in order to protect the Goodmans speaker.
The resistors, four in total, 20 ohms apiece, and wired in parallel, were part of the positive line from the input socket to the speaker's terminal. The common (negative) line ran directly from the input socket to the speaker.
Wiring the resistors in parallel gave a total resistance of 5 ohms - that in addition to the 15 ohm impedance of the Goodmans. Safe to say the maths is complex. Resistance is for the most part static, impedance dynamic - but the result was to create a small "power soak" such that the speaker would be safe.
The resistors were 9 watt wirewound ceramics bought in from Welwyn, their notional power handling in total being around 36 watts. The reason for the resistor array? When new, Super Foundation Bass amplifiers were capable of putting out well over 100 watts, power exceeding the recommended rating of all Goodmans 18" drivers: the Audiom 91 "Standard" rated at 50 watts, the Audiom 91 "Bass" at around 80 watts; and the Audiom 91/100 at a full 100 watts. In most instances a cabinet with a closed back will have allowed the speaker to handle 10-20 watts more, but it may be that Goodmans had already factored that in.
At any rate, JMI felt that the single speaker on its own was not enough to cope with the amplifier. The resistors provided a margin of safety. In late 1967, when the twin-speaker Super Foundation Bass cab was introduced, no such array was required. Two 18" Goodmans could easily cope with the amplifier's output.
A detail from a single-speaker Super Foundation Bass cabinet. On the tag board underneath the speaker (the picture has been inverted for convenience), four 20 ohm Welwyn 9 watt wirewound ceramic resistors, wired in parallel for a total of 5 ohms.
13th November
The list of Celestion speakers used by Vox, 1967-1973, given below (7th November) has now been moved to a page of its own - available here. A number of the entries have been expanded.
It is perhaps worth noting that one printed source states that Celestion T1304s were used in JMI Defiant speaker cabinets. No further point of reference is given though. In fact, most JMI Defiants had T1279s (G12H - heavy magnet). T1304s by contrast had medium magnets and are likely to have been the poly grey speakers without labels fitted in Vox Gyrotone cabinets. Perhaps a small number made their way into Defiants, but without referenced examples it is impossible to know. No T1304 seems to have come up on the open market. T1279s from Defiant cabinets do surface from time to time however.
8th November (2)
Just to add to the list of Celestion speakers used by "Vox Sound Limited" (entry for 7th Nov.), a pair of T1364 Greenbacks in a Defiant speaker cabinet. The orientation of the terminals and labels and nature of the wiring indicates however that this was not their original application. Also to say, in another photo the original Goodmans purchase order sticker can be seen stuck to the baffle.
8th November
Below, a couple of details of an early "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Multi-Link 1 speaker cabinet (4x12", 15ohm impedance) - probably mid 1969. The original drivers have been replaced, but still present the impedance transformer, wiring harness, and printed input jack wiring schema.
On the right-hand side of the schema, the jacks one above the other, the two wires from the upper one leading up to the speakers. At left, the terminal block and transformer.
The wiring is arranged such that an amplifier plugged into either of the two sockets would (1) drive the speakers and (2) any other speaker cabinet plugged into the second socket ("daisy chained").
It is not clear at present exactly what effect the transformer would have had on the overall impedance of the Multi-Link 4x12" and a second - perhaps mis-matched - cabinet. More to follow.
The serial number on the plate is unfortunately not readable definitively, but it looks like "00x" - possibly "004".
7th November
13th November: the list of Celestion speakers used by Vox, 1967-1973, has now been moved to a page of its own - available here. A number of the entries have been expanded.
Some provisional material on Celestion speakers in Vox solid state amplifiers. Remember that these amplifiers, across the range, required speaker cabinets with a total impedance of 15/16 ohms.
For the time being, speakers fitted to organs and organ speaker arrays will be left out of account. For an overview of Celestion "T" numbers, see Brian Harding's excellent list here.
Some of the speakers listed below are unlikely to have been made in large quantities.
"Jennings Musical Industries" (Spring 1967 to early 1968)
CT7721 and CT7442: 10 inch, ceramic magnets, 10-15 watts handling, 15ohm. NIB4 cones. Used in Vox Traveller combos; single 10" speaker enclosures for wall mounting; and possibly in some Line Source 40 column units.
CT7724 : 10 inch, ceramic magnets, 10-15 watts handling, 8ohm. NIB4 cones. Used in pairs, wired in series, in Vox Virtuoso combos.
T1088: G12, alnico magnet, 17-20 watts handling (JMI reckoned on 17 watts), 8ohm. Sprayed poly grey. Used in pairs, wired in series, in Vox Conqueror speaker cabinets. There is no evidence to suggest that JMI fitted Conquerors with anything other than these speakers.
T1109: G15C, ceramic magnet, 50 watts, 15ohm. Poly grey. Used in Vox Dynamic Bass speaker cabinets.
T1225: G12H, ceramic, 25-30 watts, 15 ohms. Poly grey. In 1967 some were issued with green rather than poly grey dust-covers. Used in Vox Supreme cabinets and perhaps certain Line Source 60 public address speaker columns.
T1252: G12L (sometimes called G12S), lightweight magnet, 12/15ohm. Poly grey. Used in certain Line Source 60 public address columns, one set with date codes *19KL" = 19th October 1966. A set of four of much the same date was removed from a LS60 some years ago and transplanted into a 4x12 Multi-Link 1 cabinet from 1970. At present, there is no evidence to suggest that T1252s were originally used for anything other than Line Source 60 columns.
T1279: G12H, ceramic, 25-30 watts, 8 ohms. Pairs wired in series for a total impedance of 15/16 ohms in Vox Defiant speaker cabinets.
T1279 (15ohm): two sources record instances of 15ohm versions of the T1279. If correct, these are likely to have been implemented in the same way as T1225s.
T1296: G18C, ceramic, 100 watts handling, 15ohm. Poly grey. Used in Foundation Bass speaker cabinets.
T1304: G12M, ceramic, 8ohm. Poly grey. No example has yet come to light, but these may be the speakers without labels in Gyrotone 2 and 3 rotating speaker enclosures.
T1360: Exponential horn, 20 watts handling, 15ohms. Sets with July 1967 date codes appear in certain Supreme speaker cabinets.
T1463: Exponential horn, 20 watts handling, 3ohms. Prototype horn unit containing five T1463s dated May to August 1967. Total impedance of the unit: 15 ohms.
"Vox Sound Equipment Limited" (mid 1968 to late 1969)
VSEL came into being in the summer of 1968, taking over a good deal of unsold and incomplete stock from what had been JMI - JMI ceased trading at the end of April 1968. VSEL put its own serial number plates and speaker labels on new and existing items. The company bought in very few Celestion speakers however, its preferred supplier being Goodmans.
T1088: alnico G12, 8ohm. Vox AC30s and wall-mounted speaker units (each containing a single 12" T1088).
T1096: alnico G12, 15ohm. A set with date codes "10JA" = 10th September 1968 occurs in a Supreme speaker cabinet. But this cabinet and a similar one with a "Vox Sound Limited" serial number plate may have been made up of surplus parts.
"Vox Sound Limited" (1970 into 1973)
Following VSEL's collapse in December 1969, VSL was brought into being (in January 1970) to take the Vox name forward. VSL took over a good deal of unsold and incomplete stock from its predecessor, just as VSEL had from JMI.
VSL's preferred supplier was also Goodmans, but various batches of Celestions were bought in, perhaps at times when Goodmans was overstretched. VSL did not have its own speaker labels printed up, using VSEL's instead.
T1088: Still used for runs of AC30s, 1970 into 1972.
T1096: G12, alnico magnet, 15ohm. Used in 1972 for AC30s. A set of four T1096s, one with date code AF10 = 10th January 1973, occurs in a Vox Supreme cabinet with a VSL serial number. But the cab (and one with earlier 1096s noted above) may have been made up of surplus parts after VSL had come to an end.
T1102: G15C Greenback, ceramic, 50 watts, 15ohm. A pair of T1102s with VSEL labels used in a 2x12/2x15 Multi-Link 2 speaker cabinet. Date codes unknown.
T1217: G12H Greenback, ceramic magnet, 15ohm. Used in Vox Supreme speaker cabinets, and 2x12/2x15 Multi-Link 2 cabs. Date codes June 1970, February 1971, and September 1971.
T1252: G12L Greenback, 12/15ohm. Also used by JMI (see above) but poly grey finish. Date codes July 1969 and June 1970.
*T1364: G12H Greenback, ceramic, 8ohm. A pair in a Defiant cabinet, but this is unlikely to have been their original home.
T1925: G12M Greenback, ceramic magnet, whizzer cone (tweeter), 15ohm. Used in 4x12 Vox Supreme and Vox Companion cabinets. Date codes June, July and August 1972. A couple of sets have "EF" which is probably an error for "FE". The cabinets in which they occur have inspection (completion) tags dated 11th July 1972.
T2056: G12, alnico magnet, 17-20 watts handling, 8ohm. Used in 1972 for AC30s.
6th November (2)
Just to add that pairs of Goodmans 8ohm speakers (type 241/1214/8) wired in series were used in Vox Gyrotone 2 and 3 enclosures as well as in Vox Defiant speaker cabs.
6th November
Before moving on to Celestion speakers, a final note on Goodmans - IMPEDANCE. "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Conqueror and Defiant cabs had two 8ohm drivers wired in series for a total impedance of 15/16 ohms. Supremes used four 15/16ohm drivers wired in series/parallel also for a total of 15/16 ohms. 15/16 ohms was the impedance required by Vox amplifiers across the solid state range.
As mentioned yesterday, the various types of speaker with "241" frames produced by Goodmans in the late 1960s and early 1970s are often difficult to tell apart. There are however the stickers indicating impedance.
A detail of one of the Goodmans 241s in the speaker cabinet accompanying Vox Defiant serial number 2494.
In the absence for the time being of a good photo of a "241" in a Supreme cab, a couple from a Multi-Link 1. The full type is: 241/1214/15.
Impedance 15 ohms.
Goodmans cone code "1214".
5th November (2)
It is likely that the blue hammerite speakers mentioned in yesterday's entry were originally made by Goodmans for Selmer but for whatever reason sent out to Vox instead.
One of the two Goodmans drivers in the speaker cabinet of a Selmer Thunderbird 50 Mark II combo from early 1968.
5th November
Further notes on Goodmans speakers. First, a speaker that is almost identical externally to the one illustrated at the foot of yesterday's entry but of a different Goodmans "type": 241/1235/12.
Given the impedance of 12 ohms, this speaker was probably produced for WEM. The difference between a "1235" cone and a "1205" is not known for certain at present, but it may be that the former is lighter.
Type 241/1235/12, probably for WEM
Second, 18" Goodmans speakers for Vox solid state amplifiers. In late 1967 / early 1968 Goodmans designed a new type of Audiom 91 for JMI - 15/16ohm, cone 1803/78173, type 95062. These were used in Foundation Bass and single-speaker Super Foundation Bass cabinets. Some were sold in late 1968 / early 1969 by "Vox Sound Equipment Limited", which put its new-style serial number plate on the back panels of the cabs concerned.
A Goodmans 95062 in a Foundation Bass speaker cabinet sold by "Vox Sound Equipment Limited", the cab's serial number unusually not stamped with a number.
In early 1969, Goodmans provided VSEL with a new 15/16ohm 18" driver - type 93170, but with the same cone as the 95062. Standard VSEL labels were affixed to the dust-covers.
For twin-speaker Super Foundation Bass cabinets, VSEL contracted Goodmans to produce an 8ohm 18" driver - type 03CiF / H17 and H28. Two were wired in parallel for a total of 15/16 ohms.
In at least one "Vox Sound Limited" Super Foundation Bass speaker cabinet, however, two 15/16ohm drivers are wired up in series for a total impedance of 8ohms (SFB amplifier sections required 15/16). But it is not clear what type of amplifier the cab was intended for, or whether the resulting impedance was simply an old-fashioned error.
4th November
A note on Goodmans speakers in Vox Supreme speaker cabinets. Goodmans normally described its speakers in three ways: (1) by a model or range name; (2) a code for "type" on a paper slip stuck to the speaker's label; and (3) a purchase order number (in case a replacement was needed) also on a paper sticker.
The speakers used in Supreme cabinets (and some Multi-Link speaker cabinets) are part of the Audiom range. "Type" was a three-fold designation: code number for frame / code number for cone / impedance - for example 241/1205/15. "241" is a heavy-duty frame, "1205" a type of 12 inch cone, and the impedance obvious. As Jennings / Vox generally removed any labels that had been affixed to the dust-covers by suppliers, stickers designating "type" are lacking - or at least none has come to light so far. But a few survive on identical speakers supplied to other amplifier manufacturers.
On the other hand, purchase order numbers, glued onto the frame beside the solder terminals, have survived better. The form of words on the sticker is normally: "For replacements quote P/O" - then the number. These P/O numbers were presumably recorded by Goodmans in its log-books along with the name of purchaser, size of order, and number of items purchased.
From late 1967 / early 1968 through to 1972 Goodmans supplied Vox with three different types of "241" (heavy-duty) speaker, all with an impedance of 15/16 ohms, here called "A", "B" and "C" simply for convenience.
An overview of Supreme speaker cabinets, to be updated in the coming days, can be found here.
A) - from late 1967 / early 1968 through to mid to late 1969. Black plastic dust-cover initially with smooth outer rim. The rims of later batches had diagonal striations. Early and later versions both have a sort of spider's web pattern in the sunken roundel; and at centre, an oculus.
One of the speakers from the cabinet accompanying JMI Supreme amplifier section serial number 1094. JMI did not number its speaker cabinets. Smooth dust-cover rim.
One of the speakers of "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Supreme speaker cabinet serial number 212, issued from factory with Supreme amplifier section 2231. Dust-cover rim with diagonal striations.
B) - between late 1969 and early 1971, occasionally a species of "241" with a hammerite blue frame. Drivers of this type were fitted in Supreme cabinet serial number 272. The accompanying amplifier will have had a number in the low 2300s.
1969 certainly, possibly the 40th week, though it is not clear how the "6" should be read.
C) - from mid 1971 into 1972. Still a black dust-cover, but now quadrants of "furrows" radiating from the outer edge, and a square panel at centre. The square panel normally had the green Goodmans label.
"Vox Sound Limited" Supreme speaker cabinet serial number 474.
Below, an example of the same type of speaker, not from a Vox amp, with its Goodmans label - and sticker designating "type" - in place.
The sticker reads: "241/1205/15".
3rd November
Thanks to Rene, pictures of "Vox Sound Limited" Supreme, serial number 2355,. with tilt-back stand. The speakers are Celestion G12H T1217s, the latest date code "BD2" = 2nd February 1971.
VSL Supreme, serial number 2355. The speaker cabinet is serial number 300.
The page on Vox Supreme speaker cabinets will be updated shortly.
2nd November
Thanks to Ray, pictures of a "Vox Sound Limited" Supreme, originally with tilt-back stand, bought from Dawsons in Warrington around 1971. Speakers are heavy-duty Goodmans.
Speaker cabinet serial number 474. Number 525 has Celestion speakers dated July 1972.
June 1972, advert placed in the music press by Dawsons, which is still in business today, probably in conjunction with Vox.
From left to right: Focus folding PA speakers; a PA100SS on top of a set of organ speakers; SG200 bass and SG200 guitar; two "Hastings" pedals (a wah and a wow-fuzz?); a discotape unit; AC30 with an unidentifiable item on top; and a Supreme in tilt-back stand.
1st November
Thanks to Heinz, pictures of a pristine "Vox Sound Limited" Multi-Link 2 speaker cabinet, 2x15" and 2x12". The 12" drivers are Celestion G12H T1217s, date codes 10th September 1970. The 15" drivers are Goodmans Audiom 81s.
Pictured with an AC50.
Complete with speaker impedance matching unit and serial number plate (serial number 95).
28th October
Thanks to Chris, pictures of "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" Conqueror serial number 2096, most likely first quarter of 1969. In the preamp a Mullard mustard capacitor is visible with date code "C8" = third quarter of 1968 for its manufacture.
Vox Conqueror serial number 2096. The footswitch is a NCM reproduction.
25th October
A series of updates coming soon.
8th September
The page on the West Street Works at Erith has been updated and expanded, further material and pictures to come shortly.
2nd September
When Royston Industries collapsed in late 1967 the various constituent members of its Group collapsed too - the domino effect. JMI went swiftly into receivership, struggled manfully for around five months, but finally had to throw in the towel at the end of April 1968. Although little is recorded of Heslop and Company, a similar fate is likely to have befallen it.
Naturally when Reg Clark and Cyril Windiate formed "Vox Sound Equipment Limited" in the summer of 1968, a new supplier of cabinets (for amplifiers, speakers, and organs) had to be found. That very probably was "Heathpoint Timber" of Thundersley in Essex (533 Rayleigh Road).
533 Rayleigh Road a couple of years ago (from Google Street view). Heathpoint had the left-hand side of the builing and the works behind.
At any rate, Heathpoint (which had a separate arm trading as "Becket Instruments") was certainly supplying fully finished cabs - with basketweave covering, grille cloth, piping, corner protectors, and so on - to "Vox Sound Limited" in 1970/1971. At the rear of the premises the production of Gladlyn Ware - slatted teak domestic furniture which had also been produced in earlier years by Heslop - took place. In the 1970s Heathpoint did extrememly well, supplying cabinets to Orange, Hiwatt, White, Simms Watts, as well as Vox; as its fortunes rose, those of Gla-Rev, once a major force on the scene, seem to have fallen. In the late 1970s, however, Heathpoint ran into difficulties, having pinned its hopes by that time on orders from a single musical instrument manufacturer, and was revided and recast under new management.
Thanks to Andy Milner for his first-hand knowledge of Heathpoint in the 1970s.
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